Day in the Life of a Community Manager

It’s been a few weeks since my last post – and coincidentally it’s also been a few weeks since I started my new job as community manager for OpenIDEO. While I’ve had many “bloggable” moments recently, I’ll admit I just haven’t quite gotten around to it. Too much new stuff to learn, too many new people to meet, too much new work to do, I guess.

But today, when someone forwarded me this awesome infographic, it was like the stars aligned and I just HAD to post this. For anyone who’s curious about how I’d describe my first few weeks on the job, it doesn’t get better than this:


All kidding about piñatas aside, I do think this image very accurately depicts my experience so far.

So far my new job has been 150% about tending to the garden, cheerleading for members, patrolling the spammers, and playing concierge. It’s also been about taking a pulse on the community’s mood and priorities, and translating them into actionable insights for my team. And, in all my spare time, of course I’m also trying to gobble up as much information as my Tweetdeck can handle on social innovation, technology and design.

(Oh, and maybe sleep occasionally too...)

In short, I’m learning that as community manager I wear a lot of hats.

Some of these hats aren’t so fun – imagine writing an email to someone asking them not to spam our site anymore! But some of them are just plain awesome. Seriously – my job is to figure out ways to nurture and grow a community of people who care about doing good things in our world. How amazing is that?

As I get more embedded into the world of community management, I’ll do my best to record what I learn here.

For now, I’m curious to hear from you, as a user of online communities, what do you think the role of a community manager is? And for all you community managers out there, what hats do you wear that might not be captured in the image above? I’d love to hear your thoughts (and tips too, since I’m definitely still learning!).